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Ingram Insurance Agency

20 Chesterfield Hwy
Cheraw, SC 29520

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South Carolina Real Estate insurance coverage

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Real Estate Insurance in South Carolina

There are a few key reasons why having real estate insurance in the Cheraw, SC area is essential. First, it can protect your investment in your property. If something happens to your property that is not covered by your regular homeowner's insurance policy, real estate insurance can help cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Second, real estate insurance can protect you if someone is injured on your property. If someone is hurt while on your property and files a lawsuit against you, real estate insurance can help cover the cost of legal expenses.

Third, real estate insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that your property is protected. Even if nothing happens to your property, it is always good to know that you have insurance if something happens.

Real estate insurance is vital because it can protect your property investment, help cover the cost of legal expenses if someone is injured on your property and give you peace of mind. Talk to your insurance agent about what kind of coverage is right for you and your property.

State-specific requirements for real estate insurance in South Carolina

There are a few specific requirements for real estate insurance in South Carolina. First, the insurance must be issued by a company licensed to do business in the state. Second, the policy must name the insured as the owner or mortgagee of the property. Third, the policy must provide coverage for at least 80% of the replacement value of the property. Finally, the policy must have a deductible of no more than $1,000.

Ingram Insurance Agency is here to help you find the right coverage for your home, condo, or rental property. We understand that your home is likely your most significant investment, and we want to help you protect it. If you're a homeowner, renter, or own a condominium, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our real estate insurance options.


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