Do Different Industries Need Different Commercial Insurance Products?

Every business faces unique risks, which is why commercial insurance is never a one-size-fits-all solution. At Ingram Insurance, we work with businesses across various industries, serving the area in and around Cheraw, SC. One thing is clear: each industry has its own specific coverage needs.

Retail Businesses vs. Professional Services

A retail store has very different risks compared to a law firm or accounting office. Retail businesses deal with foot traffic, which increases the chances of customer injuries and property damage. General liability and property insurance are essential. On the other hand, professional service providers face risks related to errors in their work, making professional liability insurance (also known as errors and omissions insurance) a must-have.

Construction Companies vs. Restaurants

Construction companies handle heavy machinery, dangerous job sites, and strict regulations. Workers’ compensation and contractor’s liability insurance are critical to protecting both employees and the business. Restaurants, however, face their own set of risks, including foodborne illnesses, kitchen fires, and liquor liability. For this reason, restaurant owners need a tailored policy that includes general liability, property insurance, and food contamination coverage.

Technology Startups vs. Manufacturing Businesses

Tech startups often need cyber liability insurance to protect against data breaches and intellectual property disputes. Meanwhile, manufacturing businesses face risks related to equipment breakdowns, product liability, and supply chain disruptions. A well-rounded policy should include coverage for business interruptions and product recalls.

No matter what industry you’re in, having the right commercial insurance is essential for protecting your business. Ingram Insurance, providing commercial insurance throughout the greater Cheraw, SC region, can help you find coverage tailored to your industry’s unique needs. Contact us today to ensure your business is fully protected.

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Key Things to Know about Commercial Cyber Insurance

Understanding Commercial Cyber Insurance and Its Importance

While computers have vastly simplified various aspects of running a business, they also present a new set of challenges, primarily the threat of cybercrime. This threat isn’t exclusive to businesses that are household names or companies that are listed on Forbes’ list of the top 100 businesses. Every business is vulnerable. This is why business owners in and around the Buford, GA, area entrust their commercial insurance needs and concerns to the knowledgeable and friendly team at Town & Country Insurance.

Coverage That Extends Beyond Business Boundaries

Every business, large, midsize, or small, is audited by a professional agent to identify potential gaps in existing coverage. Cybercrimes exploit these gaps, and unpredictability is the key challenge in preventing them. This unpredictability can inflict severe damages that might exceed the limits of the primary insurance coverage, incurring significant unexpected expenses. That’s precisely where commercial cyber insurance fits in, providing additional coverage to shield your business from such unforeseen costs.

Towards Comprehensive Protection for Your Business

The concept of commercial cyber insurance could be quite daunting, especially for business owners in the Buford, GA, area. Town & Country Insurance has the necessary expertise to ensure your business gets the right coverage. Our professional team can guide you through all your commercial insurance needs, providing sufficient protection against potential cyber threats that might compromise your business’s prosperity. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to provide your business with the enhanced protection it deserves.

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What are the risks of not having commercial insurance?

If you are a business owner, you know how stressful owning a business can be. There are so many things you have to consider and think about when running a business. One of these things is business insurance. Some business owners decide to skip it in order to avoid additional expenses. In this article, we are going to explain why not having commercial insurance is a bad idea and what the risks of this decision are:

What are the risks of not having commercial insurance?

If you decide not to get business insurance and run a business without it, here is a list of things you should be prepared for:

  • Financial risks. If you operate your business without insurance, you put your business at a much higher risk. There are different unpredictable and unfortunate events that can happen at any time: natural disasters, fire, vandalism, theft, and more. If you do not have business insurance, you leave your company exposed to all these events without any protection.
  • Loss of your assets. If you run a business, you probably own certain assets, such as a commercial building, equipment, your products, etc. Without commercial insurance, they remain uncovered and unprotected. That means that if something happens to them, whether they are damaged or stolen, you will have to pay for their repairs or replacements out of pocket.
  • Breaking the law. In South Carolina, if you are a business owner and employ four or more employees, you must have workers’ compensation. If you fail to do so, you may face high charges and fines.

Are you a business owner operating your business in Cheraw, SC, or any other town in South Carolina? Are you thinking about purchasing business insurance, or do you want to know more about it? Ingram Insurance is an experienced local insurance agency that works with clients in Cheraw, SC, and other surrounding areas and specializes in different insurance types. At Ingram Insurance, we help our clients find the best policy based on their insurance needs and budget. Feel free to give us a call to learn more.

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Commercial Insurance Coverage Essentials for Your Retail Store

Enhancing Your Retail Store Insurance Coverage

Business owners frequently grapple with unforeseen adversities such as inventory damage or unanticipated theft. Are you fully equipped to handle these setbacks? Adequate insurance coverage is essential for your retail store. This blog outlines critical steps in building your insurance plan.

Layout and Region

Firstly, evaluate your business layout, considering how easy it is for potential criminals to gain access. The location of your business significantly matters. In crime-prone areas, anxiety over security may constantly loom over your business operations. Beefing up your store’s insurance coverage ensures 24/7 protection in such instances.

Value of Goods

Moreover, take into consideration the value of goods stored in your facility. With a large inventory, you face a high risk of severe financial loss in cases of theft or damage. You can avert a financial calamity by hiking up your business’s insurance coverage. Note down all equipment, office materials, machinery, and valuable inventory items you wish to incorporate into your commercial insurance policy.


Implementing suitable security measures, using them consistently, and equipping your retail store with security features are crucial responsibilities. This can considerably curtail the risk of burglary, defacement, and damage.

Contact Ingram Insurance

Our agents at Ingram Insurance are always ready to assist you. Contact our team if you are in Cheraw, SC, to update your commercial insurance policy. Get started with a quote!

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3 Features to Look for When Choosing a Commercial Policy

Ingram Insurance is proud to serve business owners and operators located in Cheraw, SC and the surrounding area. If you want to make sure that you have the coverage you need, you can count on us to review your current commercial policy for completeness. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Main Features to Look for When Choosing a Commercial Policy

  1. Comprehensive Protection – it’s important that your commercial policy includes the features and benefits that are most important to your company. Your local agent can review your policy with you to identify any gaps in coverage.
  2. Inventory and Equipment Coverage – you’ll want your inventory coverage to protect you at its highest levels. If you own a business that experiences fluctuations in inventory levels throughout the year, be sure to have the correct amount of protection in place. Equipment valuation is another important part of obtaining and maintaining the proper level of coverage.
  3. Robust Protection from Liability – as your business grows, so too does your need for liability protection. Don’t overlook this important part of your insurance portfolio. And it’s also a great idea to speak with one of our local agents about the possibility of adding an umbrella policy to your commercial insurance portfolio.

Schedule a consultation today to review your current insurance policies for completeness.

Trust Our Team for All Your Commercial Insurance Needs

Business owners and operators in Cheraw, SC and nearby communities trust the team at Ingram Insurance. Contact our office today to learn more about the comprehensive commercial policy options currently available in our area. We look forward to working with you!

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How commercial insurance can save your small business

All businesses face risks daily, but small businesses are more vulnerable because they don’t have the same assets as large businesses. No insurance can protect your business from every risk, but commercial insurance is designed to offer the most protection possible. At Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC, we are independent insurance agents with the expertise and experience to provide our customers with the level of service they expect. 

Not every small business will need every type of potential commercial insurance, but some types are universally useful. 

Commercial property insurance

Commercial property insurance will cover the building where your business is located if you own the building, but it does more than that. It is valuable even if you are renting your location, it covers the things you use in your business. That can be things like office equipment, inventory, display units, raw materials, tools, and anything that you need to conduct your business. 

Commercial liability insurance

Being sued is one of the most common risks that all business face. You can be sued by an unhappy customer, by someone who was injured while visiting your business, or by something that you produce. You can even be sued by an employee who is unhappy. All of these pose dangers to your business’s survival. Commercial liability insurance will pay a judgment against you and legal costs up to the limit of the policy. 

Worker compensation insurance

The state of South Carolina requires that businesses that employ four or more employees provide worker compensation. There are some exceptions for casual workers who don’t work regular hours and employers who have a payroll of less than $3000 annually. Worker compensation protects workers but also employers. 

Contact us

When you are ready to discuss your commercial needs, give us a call at Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC. 

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Do I need commercial insurance if I become a Multi Level Marketer?

Starting a business always comes with risks, and if you’re considering a multi-level marketing (MLM) career in Cheraw, SC, you may need commercial insurance. While MLM companies usually cover their independent consultants’ general liability insurance policy, Ingram Insurance recommends calling us to make sure you are fully covered.

Types of Coverage

While MLM businesses don’t require the same kind of coverage as traditional brick-and-mortar stores, you still need protection. One of the essential types of commercial insurance is General Liability Insurance (GLI), which protects you against claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by your business operations. Another type of insurance you might want to consider is Product Liability Insurance to cover any claims of injuries caused by the products you sell.

Know Your Company’s Insurance Policy

Before purchasing commercial insurance for your MLM business, check the company’s policy, which covers it as part of the company package. If your company includes liability insurance, you must review its limits and conditions to ensure you’re adequately covered.

Benefits of Having Commercial Insurance

There are numerous benefits to having commercial coverage for your MLM business. Firstly, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your business is safeguarded against any unforeseen risks. Additionally, you may be able to secure new clients and work opportunities since you have comprehensive coverage. Finally, obtaining a liability policy shows a sign of responsibility and professionalism to your clients and partners, which can help build trust in your brand.

Reach Out To Us

While your MLM company may provide liability insurance, it is important to understand that this may not be enough. If you are in the Cheraw, SC area, contact Ingram Insurance, and we will help you get the right coverage for your MLM business.

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Types of commercial coverage that most business can benefit from

Owning your own business comes with an incredible amount of risk. Most small businesses fail within 10 years. The best protection you have is commercial insurance. At Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC, we know commercial insurance, and we are in a position to find the best policies to meet your needs. We can offer more choices, and we will match you up with the right coverage.

Important commercial coverage options

Commercial property insurance

It is an absolute necessity for any business to have commercial property insurance. Commercial property insurance covers the building if you own it, but that isn’t all it covers. It covers all the things that you need to do business. It can be tools, machines, office equipment, display units, inventory, raw materials, etc. With this insurance coverage, you will be able to get back into business quickly without having to lose a lot of income. 

Commercial liability coverage

Businesses get sued, it is the nature of being in business. It can be a dissatisfied customer, a disgruntled employee, or someone who gets injured while visiting your location or by a product you produce. If you are involved in legal action, it can be expensive for legal assistance as well as having to pay any judgment there might be against you. It could be enough to put you out of business if you don’t have the available cash to pay for it. 

Commercial auto insurance

If your business owns even one vehicle, you need to have commercial insurance. If you use a personal vehicle to transact business, your insurance may not cover you if you are in an accident. It isn’t worth the risk. 

Workers Compensation 

In South Carolina, if you have four employees or more, you must cover them with workers’ compensation insurance. 

Give Us A Call

Contact Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC when you are ready to get the coverage your business needs. 

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The Difference Between General Liability and Professional Liability Insurance

Are you interested in getting liability insurance? If you are, it’s important that you understand the difference between general liability and professional liability insurance. Knowing this will help you get the liability coverage that is right for you. We at Ingram Insurance, serving the greater Cheraw, SC community, want to help you make the right liability insurance choices. 

Here we break down the difference between general liability and professional liability insurance:

General Liability Insurance

To start off, liability insurance covers your company against liability risks. It provides you with protection against claims resulting from situations where you could be held liable.

As for general liability, it covers physical risks.

General liability helps cover:

  • Bodily injury claims 
  • Medical payments
  • Property damage
  • Reputational harm
  • Advertising errors

Therefore, most small business owners will benefit from general liability insurance coverage. It covers the common risks that may occur in business. 

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance covers you if you’re found liable for the professional services you provide. This includes professional advice and contractual services. In addition, it will cover you against claims of negligence or misconduct. 

This includes:

  • Negligence
  • Bad advice
  • Delays
  • Errors
  • Loss or theft of service

The Main Difference

Basically, the main difference between these two liability coverages comes down to what is covered. While general liability covers physical risks, professional liability covers more abstract risks. 

Furthermore, professional liability covers your business from risks not covered by general liability insurance. Therefore, if your business provides contractual services or offers professional advice, you should consider professional liability. 

When choosing liability coverage, you need to consider your business services and needs. You want to protect your business in case of liability. 

Get The Right Coverage Today

Contact our team of insurance experts at Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC to find out more about general liability and professional liability. 

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