Types of commercial coverage that most business can benefit from

Owning your own business comes with an incredible amount of risk. Most small businesses fail within 10 years. The best protection you have is commercial insurance. At Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC, we know commercial insurance, and we are in a position to find the best policies to meet your needs. We can offer more choices, and we will match you up with the right coverage.

Important commercial coverage options

Commercial property insurance

It is an absolute necessity for any business to have commercial property insurance. Commercial property insurance covers the building if you own it, but that isn’t all it covers. It covers all the things that you need to do business. It can be tools, machines, office equipment, display units, inventory, raw materials, etc. With this insurance coverage, you will be able to get back into business quickly without having to lose a lot of income. 

Commercial liability coverage

Businesses get sued, it is the nature of being in business. It can be a dissatisfied customer, a disgruntled employee, or someone who gets injured while visiting your location or by a product you produce. If you are involved in legal action, it can be expensive for legal assistance as well as having to pay any judgment there might be against you. It could be enough to put you out of business if you don’t have the available cash to pay for it. 

Commercial auto insurance

If your business owns even one vehicle, you need to have commercial insurance. If you use a personal vehicle to transact business, your insurance may not cover you if you are in an accident. It isn’t worth the risk. 

Workers Compensation 

In South Carolina, if you have four employees or more, you must cover them with workers’ compensation insurance. 

Give Us A Call

Contact Ingram Insurance in Cheraw, SC when you are ready to get the coverage your business needs. 

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